Agenda Item 13, County Commissioners’ Meeting, 14 November 2023

Referencing the relocation of the proposed Alto concrete batch plant

Presenter:  Galen Farrington

Good morning Chairman Proctor and Commissioners.  I’m Galen Farrington of Legacy Lane in Alto.  I have spent 50 years of service to Ruidoso and Lincoln County as a teacher of 45 years, an Olympic cycling coach for 12 years, a US Chess Federation coach for 15 years, a member of the Ruidoso Parks and Recreation Board for 10 years, a proxy Ruidoso Municipal Judge for one year, a volunteer Spencer Theater usher for more than 10 years, and I have represented New Mexico in the World Senior Games for 19 years.  I believe I understand the responsibility of service to others and that is why you, as elected or appointed officials, have my respect for your performed duty for our community.

In June of 2021 residents of the Alto area were notified of a proposed concrete batch plant to be erected on the Billy the Kid Scenic Byway near the State Highway 48 intersection.  Approximately two thousand area residents raised their voices in opposition resulting in this Commission’s creating Resolution 21-24 which states the area is “… virtually exclusively residential ….”  The Resolution implies the inappropriate location of  the proposed concrete batch plant due to its injurious effect on various aspects of the environment.  The Resolution was applauded for its descriptive completeness.

  Opposition to concrete was never the issue.  Opposition to a businessman working within the free enterprise system was never an issue.  The inappropriate location was always the issue and it was this that unified the community’s opposition.  The Bipartisan Statement developed by the Republican and Democrat Parties of Lincoln County indicated succinctly that the “… opposition to this project … transcends party affiliation.”  The Statement addresses the numerous factual concerns of not only the residents and scientists but includes the fact that “… no one spoke in support of the project” at the New Mexico Environment Department Public Hearing.  No one.  Ultimately, both parties represented the body politic with the statement that “Both parties agree the proposed batch plant at the proposed location … would be out-of-place and inappropriate for this … residential … area.”

As I stand before this august body of elected and appointed officials who are in service to all residents of Lincoln County, I ask that this Commission sign a letter of opposition to our Governor, our local representative, our state representative, and our district Environmental Director who has expressed more than a passing interest in this situation.  The Commission’s opposition is on record and was reinforced during the Public Comment of the September, 2023 meeting by a Commissioner.  

The population you serve knows very little about your dedication, your service.  I’ve spent the last two and a half years presenting and observing the consistency of your opposition to this proposed location.  Help your communities and sign a letter of oppositional solidarity and keep heavy industry out of our residential and the environmentally sensitive areas of Lincoln County.   

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