
Our mission is to preserve and maintain the
health and beauty of our mountain home
for all its inhabitants

The Alto Coalition for Environmental Preservation (Alto CEP) is a New Mexico Non-Profit Corporation and 501(c)(3) public charity, run by non-paid volunteers.  The Alto CEP works to preserve and sustain the environment of our beautiful mountain surroundings, through community involvement, education and action.

As an example of our ongoing efforts to protect the local environment, we continue to resist the construction of a concrete batch plant in an environmentally sensitive area on the Billy the Kid Scenic Byway.  If allowed to operate, this plant will have an obvious and immediate negative impact on the environment of the Alto community, the health and well-being of residents, visitors and local wildlife.  It would also set the stage for future industrial development in the area.

Your involvement can ensure a healthy environment for the Alto community.  The interwoven beauty of our scenic landscapes indigenous wildlife can be preserved for residents and visitors and sustained for generations to come.