Are Donations Tax Deductible? You Bet!

We are grateful for the financial support we have received from residents of our community to stop an industrial polluter from destroying our environment. For whatever reason, and we have no firm information, Roper Construction continues to push for constructing a Concrete Batch Plant in the middle of our very fragile environment.

How fragile? The wells providing water to over 115 homes in the Enchanted Forest Subdivision which is immediately north and adjacent to the proposed site are dry, a result of the drought conditions which our region has been facing for several years.

We cannot explain why, in the face of overwhelming public opposition, Roper has not withdrawn his Air Quality Permit application, but his lawyers keep dragging out the process of closing this saga which means our legal expenses keep accruing.

If you have not donated to our Legal Opposition fund waiting for the news that Alto CEP is registered as a IRC 501(c)(3) Public Charity in order to be able to deduct donations from your income tax, (y)our wait is over.

This IRS Determination letter dated June 1, 2022, attests to our recognition as a Public Charity effective Mar 21, 2022. The IRS website advises that they are still manually processing Form 990 returns from 2021, and there will be some delay before we appear in the IRS Publication 78 list of Tax Exempt Public Charities.

Again, we are very grateful for the support we have received thus far. We believe an end is in sight to this seminal battle to protect and preserve our home.

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