On July  20, 2023 the Attorney for the Alto CEP Tom Hnasko filed an “Appellant’s Docketing Statement” with the New Mexico Court of Appeals, regarding the deliberation and vote of the Environment Improvement Board (EIB) to overturn the Final Order of the Deputy Secretary of the Environment to deny the air quality permit for the…

Geologist’s Comments on the Impact of the Concrete Batch Plant on Aquifers

Cynthia E. Black  Ms. Corral: I’m opposed to the construction of the concrete batch plant proposed by the Roper Construction Company. My primary reason for opposition: Limited & connected aquifers where high use impacts neighbors Aquifer contamination potential is high There are other issues to consider for opposition to this concrete plant involving air quality,…

What’s the Big Deal? Let Us Tell You….

There are many valid reasons why a concrete batch plant should not be built at the proposed location.  Among them are:   First and foremost, it is a health hazard, particularly to those with respiratory issues. While there is no single established dangerous proximity zone, since it depends to some extent on topography, wind direction and wind speed,…

Denial is not only a River in Egypt.

The Deputy Environment Secretary for Operations Stephanie Stringer has made her decision.  The air quality permit application for the proposed Alto Concrete Batch Plant has been DENIED. The Deputy Environment Secretary’s final order can be read here. As is said in this final order, the New Mexico Environment Department had never received an outpouring of public…


I had a friend at my last job who had a sign on his desk that read: “Stamp out TLA’s *” * Three Letter Acronyms The title of this post made me recall that sign. Except, these TLA’s are more serious. The title decodes as: Individual Retirement Account Required Minimum Distribution Qualified Charitable Distribution. Still…

Are Donations Tax Deductible? You Bet!

We are grateful for the financial support we have received from residents of our community to stop an industrial polluter from destroying our environment. For whatever reason, and we have no firm information, Roper Construction continues to push for constructing a Concrete Batch Plant in the middle of our very fragile environment. How fragile? The…

What does a Texas Two-Step Victory Dance Look Like?

Our May 13, Boot Bash Fundraising Event has just become a FUNdraising Celebration! Our attorney, Tom Hnasko, has just received a copy of the conclusions and Recommended Final Order from Hearing Officer Gregory Chakalian which is to be submitted on Tuesday, May 9. The previously scheduled Boot Bash Fundraising event has just become a celebration….