May 13 is Coming Fast

We are blessed to live where we do, in our beautiful mountain setting. Our enjoyment of our stunning bucolic surroundings should always be appreciated, always preserved, and never taken for granted. Tragically some of our neighbors have had their enjoyment taken away, at least temporarily, as a result of the McBride and Nogal fires. As…

Alto Cement Batch Plant in the News

Recently ALTOCEP’s own Kevin Flaherty was interviewed for KRQE news (click) following Tuesday’s LCCC meeting where the Lincoln County Democratic and Republican Political Parties read a bipartisan statement opposing the batch plant at its proposed location into the record. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to our legal fund. We really appreciate your help….

Bipartisan Statement at LCCC 03/15/22 Meeting

The political divide in the US has never been wider in my experience. It is so wide that unanimous agreement about any topic is almost an impossibility. Almost. In yesterday’s Lincoln County (NM) Commission meeting this joint statement opposing the Alto Concrete Batch Plant was read into the record. Clicking on the link will open…

The Lincoln County Board of Commissioners will be holding a discussion of Nuisance & Zoning Ordinances within Lincoln County at their next Meeting

The Lincoln County Board of Commissioners will be holding a discussion of Nuisance & Zoning Ordinances within Lincoln County at their next Meeting this Tuesday March 15, 2022.Additionally, a Bipartisan Statement from Chairpersons of the Republican Party of Lincoln County and the Democratic Party of Lincoln County, stating opposition to the proposed Alto Concrete Batch…

Placement of cement plant the greatest issue

The following Letter to the Editor was published in Ruidoso News on March 1, 2022 Recently I’ve read two journalistic accounts concerning the opposition to Roper Construction’s proposed concrete batch plant to be located near the intersection of Highways 48 and 220. One, published by the Union County Leader (16 February, Clayton, New Mexico) and the second was published…

Feb 9 Public Hearing Transcript is Published

The transcript of the Public Hearing has been released and a link to a complete copy (PDF) is permanently available on the NMED Hearings Info page along with email addresses for NMED Secretary Kenney, Gov. Grisham, and the County Commissioners. Speaking of which, the next LCCC meeting is Tuesday, March 15, and the revised proposed…

At Least One County Commissioner Gets It!

Tom Stewart’s Comments to the Commissioners at the 02/15/22 LCCC Meeting “I listened to the entire NMED 9 hour Roper plant permit hearingon February 9th and that hearing formulated my strong opinionagainst the plant. I did formally submit written testimony andspoke in the WebEx hearing…..In my strong request not to ap-prove the permit, I spoke…

Water Impacts are in for the NMED Batch Plant Hearing

Roper’s motion to disallow discussion of water issues has been denied by the Hearing Officer. In Limine (in limb-in-ay) from Latin for “at the threshold,” referring to a motion before a trial begins. STATE OF NEW MEXICOBEFORE THE SECRETARY OF THE ENVIRONMENTIN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATIONOF ROPER CONTRUCTION INC. AQB 21-57(P)FOR AN AIR QUALITY…

Last Meeting’s Presentation, Written Comment Guidelines, and more

If you missed Thursday’s Community Meeting you can read here Mark Severance’s Presentation about preparing for the NMED Hearing. Two key points: 1. The hearing is remote and there will be two local venues for folks to gather in addition to watching via Webex on your own computer. The Traylor Gym at Capitan Public Schools…

The Idiocy of NM Environmental Department (NMED)

To be honest, I have never held “Enemy-D” above low regard. My attitude extends from when I owned a small home building company and our local builders’ association invited NMED’s senior inspector at the time to explain what they expected to be included in EPA’s newly enforced “Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. All he said…