
Recap of NMED Public Hearing on the Proposed Concrete Plant

The New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) Public Hearing on the air quality permit application for the proposed Alto concrete batch plant was held virtually on February 9, 2022. Concerned residents attended on-line via WebEx, and at two public participation sites, Traylor Gym in Capitan and the Ruidoso Convention Center.

Approximately 85 people registered at the two sites and around 30 gave oral comments voicing their objections and concerns before the hearing concluded. Additionally, a large number of written comments were submitted prior to, during and immediately after the hearing. All written and oral comments are now a part of the NMED’s administrative record of the application.

The timeline for the NMED’s decision on the air quality permit application is:
1. 14 days for the NMED Court Reporter to generate a transcript of the hearing

  1. 30 days for “facts and filings” review from the NMED’s, plaintiff’s and defendant’s legal counsel regarding the hearing as documented in the court reporter transcript. (essentially a review and submission of corrections to the record, if required)
  1. 14 days for generation of Hearing Officer’s report and recommendation for approval or disapproval of the application
  1. 7 days for review and comment on the Hearing Officer’s report and recommendation by the NMED’s, plaintiff’s and defendant’s legal counsel
  1. Deputy Environment Secretary for Operations Stephanie Stringer then reviews the Hearing Officer’s report, comments from the legal counsel of all parties, and makes the final approval/disapproval decision.

Everyone is encouraged to convey their opinions and concerns to the New Mexico state leadership, specifically:

New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan-Grisham
through her comment portal at:

or via postal mail:
490 Old Santa Fe Trail Room 400
Santa Fe, NM 87501

New Mexico Environment Secretary James Kenney
via email: James.Kenney@state.nm.us 

or via postal mail sent to:
PO Box 5469
Santa Fe, NM 87502-5469

The NMED public hearing did receive media coverage.
AltoCEP Assistant Chair Kevin Fleharty was interviewed live during the hearing on KRQE for their 4pm newscast. KRQE aired an additional story regarding the concrete batch plant here which can be viewed here:

Additional news coverage is being planned by KWES radio, the Ruidoso News and the Lincoln County Leader. Updates will also be provided on https://ctx.uwu.temporary.site/website_afcb2104/

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