Passersby likely noticed the start of substantial excavation work on the proposed concrete batch plant (CBP) site in April 2023.  After a few weeks, the work was completed, and activity at the proposed site stopped.   Although this work occurred before the issuance of the air quality permit, New Mexico 12th Judicial District Court Judge…

At Least One County Commissioner Gets It!

Tom Stewart’s Comments to the Commissioners at the 02/15/22 LCCC Meeting “I listened to the entire NMED 9 hour Roper plant permit hearingon February 9th and that hearing formulated my strong opinionagainst the plant. I did formally submit written testimony andspoke in the WebEx hearing…..In my strong request not to ap-prove the permit, I spoke…

Water Impacts are in for the NMED Batch Plant Hearing

Roper’s motion to disallow discussion of water issues has been denied by the Hearing Officer. In Limine (in limb-in-ay) from Latin for “at the threshold,” referring to a motion before a trial begins. STATE OF NEW MEXICOBEFORE THE SECRETARY OF THE ENVIRONMENTIN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATIONOF ROPER CONTRUCTION INC. AQB 21-57(P)FOR AN AIR QUALITY…