Last Meeting’s Presentation, Written Comment Guidelines, and more

If you missed Thursday’s Community Meeting you can read here Mark Severance’s Presentation about preparing for the NMED Hearing.

Two key points:

1. The hearing is remote and there will be two local venues for folks to gather in addition to watching via Webex on your own computer. The Traylor Gym at Capitan Public Schools and the Ruidoso Convention Center. There will be NMED representatives only at Traylor Gym and we (AltoCEP) will provide audio and video link to allow folks at the Convention Center to enter oral comments at the hearing.

2. The Hearing Officer will accept general public comments either in writing or verbally. Members of the public who wish to provide general comments are encouraged to submit their comments in writing to the Hearing Clerk, Madai Corral at either before or during the hearing. Verbal general comments will be accepted during the hearing at 12:00 PM and 5:00 PM. Members of the public will have up to five (5) minutes MAX to offer their comments: written comment is unlimited.

Comment Guidelines

These guidelines were prepared by AltoCEP’s Bill Horton. They are NOT instructions and are made available to help those who need help to overcome writer’s block.

Big News

Over the weekend, we learned from our attorney that the motion by Roper to disallow addressing WATER ISSUES had been denied. More details will be coming soon, but the bottom line is if you want to speak to matters concerning excessive water use and groundwater contamination, the door is open.

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